Art Club
If you are interested in joining Art Club contact:
Athletic Council
If you are interested in joining Athletic Council contact: or
CHS Cares
If you are interested in joining CHS Cares contact:
Colchester Theatre Co.
If you are interested in joining the Colchester Theater Company contact:
Theatre Company Rehearsal Schedule
Debate/Speech Team
If you are interested in Speech or Debate contact:
Dungeons and Dragons Club
If you are interested in Dungeons and Dragons contact:
If you are interested in joining E-Sports conact:
Green Team
If you are interested in joining the Green Team contact:
International Club
If you are interested in joining the International Club contact:
Journalism Club
If you are interested in joining the Journalism Club contact:
Math League
If you are interested in Math League contact:
If you are interested in Mentoring contact:
Model UN
If you are interested in Model UN contact:
National Honor Society
Membership in the NHS is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. Chapters across the nation strive to honor individuals who excel in the four areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Students may become eligible during their Junior year provided they meet the criteria noted. Members work independently during their Junior and Senior years to provide service to both the school and community. At least one community service project is organized and completed by all members annually. NHS also supports recognition of teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week, initiates fundraising to support community service projects, and hosts a Red Cross Blood Drive in the spring.
To be eligible for NHS, students must have junior or senior standing and at least a 3.800 cumulative GPA. All eligible students will receive invitations to apply for membership in the first quarter of the academic year. Applications are then reviewed by the Faculty Council and are accepted or declined based on character, service, and leadership potential. NHS recognizes the total student; no student is inducted simply because of a high GPA. For further information regarding the selection process, please visit the NHS page on the CHS website.
Once selected, members must:- Maintain their cumulative 3.8 grade point average
- Continue to abide by school policies and regulations
- Actively participate in the chapter’s projects and services, including monthly meetings and regular checking of the CHS chapter’s online meeting space
- Commit to 25 hours of community service for an outside organization and 15 hours of community service for CHS
If a member fails to maintain any of the above criteria, he or she will be placed on probation. Members will have one semester to restore their good standing. If a member is unable to do so, he or she will have the opportunity to appeal to the Faculty Council prior to his or her dismissal from the NHS. Once a student is dismissed from the NHS, he or she may not re-apply. For further information regarding disciplinary procedures, please visit the NHS page on the CHS website.
If you are interested in learning more about NHS contact:

CHS National Honor Society Website
Log Hours Here
Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
If you are interested in joining the GSA contact: or
Ski and Board Club
All information can be found on the Ski and Board Website.
If you have any questions about Ski & Board Club, please contact:
Social Justice Alliance
If you are interested in joining the SJA contact: or
Student Committees
If you are interested in learning more about Student Committees contact:
Student Council
If you are interested in learning more about Student Council contact: or
The Lake Show
Visit the Lake Show Instagram
If you are interested in joining The Lake Show contact:
Variety Night
If you are interested in joining Variety Night contact:
We Matter Here
Students interested in joining We Matter Here should contact