Art Club

Art Club provides a welcoming atmosphere where any student or staff member can come to create art, receive help on projects, and participate in an array of art-related activities. Just want to play with art materials and see what you can make? Art Club is for you!

If you are interested in joining Art Club contact:

Athletic Council

The purpose of the CHS athletics council is to create formal leadership opportunities for students and to connect student-athletes with their team, peers, community, and teachers. Members of the council will develop the vision and future of what the CHS athletics council needs to be and should be. Additionally, the council will do the following: grow team specific programs and cultivate a collective investment across all sports; partner with other VPA member schools to improve culture, climate, and positive sportsmanship; provide an extension of the CHS school community; serve as a conduit to the administration to see what their needs are and to support our purpose; help raise awareness of the CHS athletics program; and help organize and cultivate a positive fan base.

If you are interested in joining Athletic Council contact: or

CHS Cares

CHS cares is a volunteer organization that meets regularly throughout the school year to help expose students to people who are at a disadvantage (socially, medically, economically, or otherwise). CHS cares works within the school and community to create service projects to help students realize they can make a difference and give them tools to do so. Positive communities can inspire their members in ways that promote a sense of self discovery and group connection, encourage members to express their beliefs and values and build relationships with others.

If you are interested in joining CHS Cares contact:

Colchester Theatre Co.

The award-winning Colchester High School Theater Company is a yearlong activity for students interested in theatre arts. There are two major theatrical productions each school year: a musical in the fall and a play in the spring. Each production is an opportunity for students to participate as actors, designers, stage crew, or pit band members. Students learn the rewards that come from hard work, ensemble participation and a strong sense of collaboration and commitment as they create exciting performances the whole community can enjoy.

If you are interested in joining the Colchester Theater Company contact:

Theatre Company Rehearsal Schedule

Debate/Speech Team

While in the same league, Debate and Speech are two separate teams. On the Debate Team, students investigate and argue the pros and cons of solutions to current issues against other teams and, using the art of rhetoric, persuade impartial judges to support their side of the argument. Unlike the two-way discourse of debate, speech offers students the opportunity to craft and/or perform speeches on a variety of topics. There are a number of categories in which students can compete, from Impromptu (making up a short speech on the spot), to Poetry (delivering and interpreting a poem written by an established poet), to Radio (creating and delivering a radio broadcast), to many more. Students compete against other schools and are judged on their content and delivery. Both Debate and Speech teams have a successful history in state competition. The skills learned in Debate and Speech will serve students well in school, college and life.

If you are interested in Speech or Debate contact:

Dungeons and Dragons Club

Join other DnD players for student-led RPG adventures. Everyone is welcome and we meet about every other week after school in the Library. Watch and listen for announcements!

If you are interested in Dungeons and Dragons contact:


E-Sports club provides a supportive and engaging environment where students can cooperate, compete and develop skills. We're in the early stages of club development but hope to offer teams that will play against other regional high schools in the future. CHS is enrolled in the PlayVS platform that hosts two seasons each year and supports the following games: League of Legends, Super Smash Bros, Rocket League, Splatoon 3, Mario Kart 8, Hearthstone, Madden, and NBA 2k. Join us and help push E-Sports at CHS forward.

If you are interested in joining E-Sports conact:

Green Team

Green Team is a student-run organization that focuses on reducing our environmental footprint individually as well as within our school and local communities. The Green Team works hard to find creative and practical ways to reduce, reuse and recycle!

If you are interested in joining the Green Team contact:

International Club

This is a student-led club that meets during AT to explore world cultures. International Club students explore cultures of various countries. Each meeting, they choose one or several countries, and present their history, food, language and music. Then they share with the group a main dish and desert from that culture. We also sample music and dances that are unique to these countries.

If you are interested in joining the International Club contact:

Journalism Club

Students who are involved in journalism club will participate and work on all aspects of the production, formatting, and distribution of our student digital newspaper, The Lakeside Voice. This includes learning about aspects of journalism including reporting, interviewing, photography, writing, and editing. Students may also format and contribute to other CHS publications, such as social and/or broadcast media.

If you are interested in joining the Journalism Club contact:

Math League

The Greater Burlington Math League consists of students from thirteen area high schools who get together five times during the school year to compete individually and as a team in solving a variety of math problems in various areas (arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and advanced math). All are welcome! Math Team provides an opportunity for students to represent their school in an academic setting, to meet other students with similar interests and abilities, and to explore math topics beyond those normally studied in traditional courses.

If you are interested in Math League contact:


Mentoring is an opportunity for students who are in good academic standing to volunteer time to support and assist peers with academics during AT. Students meet weekly in the space of the advisor and focus on specific courses or academic goals.

If you are interested in Mentoring contact:

Model UN

Model UN, or MUN, is a simulation in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. At a MUN conference, students work as the representative of a country or organization and must solve a problem with other delegates from other schools representing countries around the world. MUN teaches participants important skills like research complex topics, public speaking, debating, and persuasive writing, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork, and leadership. Prior to conferences, delegates conduct research in order to formulate position papers and create policy proposals that they will debate with other delegates in their committee. At the end of a conference, delegates vote on these draft resolutions, with the goal of passing them with a majority vote. Many of today’s leaders in law, government, business and the arts – including at the UN itself – participated in Model UN as students.

If you are interested in Model UN contact:

National Honor Society

Membership in the NHS is one of the highest honors that can be awarded to a high school student. Chapters across the nation strive to honor individuals who excel in the four areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. Students may become eligible during their Junior year provided they meet the criteria noted. Members work independently during their Junior and Senior years to provide service to both the school and community. At least one community service project is organized and completed by all members annually. NHS also supports recognition of teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week, initiates fundraising to support community service projects, and hosts a Red Cross Blood Drive in the spring.

To be eligible for NHS, students must have junior or senior standing and at least a 3.800 cumulative GPA. All eligible students will receive invitations to apply for membership in the first quarter of the academic year. Applications are then reviewed by the Faculty Council and are accepted or declined based on character, service, and leadership potential. NHS recognizes the total student; no student is inducted simply because of a high GPA. For further information regarding the selection process, please visit the NHS page on the CHS website.

Once selected, members must:
  • Maintain their cumulative 3.8 grade point average
  • Continue to abide by school policies and regulations
  • Actively participate in the chapter’s projects and services, including monthly meetings and regular checking of the CHS chapter’s online meeting space
  • Commit to 25 hours of community service for an outside organization and 15 hours of community service for CHS

If a member fails to maintain any of the above criteria, he or she will be placed on probation. Members will have one semester to restore their good standing. If a member is unable to do so, he or she will have the opportunity to appeal to the Faculty Council prior to his or her dismissal from the NHS. Once a student is dismissed from the NHS, he or she may not re-apply. For further information regarding disciplinary procedures, please visit the NHS page on the CHS website.

If you are interested in learning more about NHS contact:

Go to the CHS National Honor Society Website!

CHS National Honor Society Website
Log Hours Here

Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

GSA (Gender and Sexuality Alliance) - The GSA brings LGBTQ+ and allied teens together to form a supportive, safe space and to build community. Members of the GSA also work together to organize and advocate around issues impacting them with regard to gender and sexuality justice in school and in the community, and with attention paid to intersectionality in all parts of their identities.

If you are interested in joining the GSA contact: or

Ski and Board Club

The Ski and Board Club provides students the opportunity to go night skiing at Bolton Valley with their CHS peers. Students board a charter bus immediately after school and head to the mountain. Lessons and rentals are available. Skiers and riders of all abilities are welcome!

All information can be found on the Ski and Board Website.

If you have any questions about Ski & Board Club, please contact:

Social Justice Alliance

The Social Justice Alliance is a student run group that aims to inspire people to use their voices and advocate for themselves and others to create positive change. The SJA wants to raise awareness and understanding of social justice challenges through education and working with a variety of people with different perspectives. We engage in both whole group and small group discussions and activities and plan action steps that support equity and equality in the school and community. Our goal is to make a positive difference at CHS by building an inclusive and accepting environment.

If you are interested in joining the SJA contact: or

Student Committees

There are several different faculty/student committees for students to join. These committees serve as a mechanism for student voice and form of student empowerment.

If you are interested in learning more about Student Committees contact:

Student Council

Student Council is a group of student leaders from each class working to represent the interests of students at Colchester High School and promote positive community and school pride. Student Council is responsible for planning important CHS traditions and can create new school wide initiatives that members propose and organize. In order to be effective, Student Council members need to operate with a high level of student initiative and responsibility. Interested students submit an application of interest with teacher and peer recommendations.

If you are interested in learning more about Student Council contact: or

The Lake Show

This is a student-centered media club in which students learn many technology concepts and are able to hone their video editing, writing, and planning skills in creating content for The Lake Show. This club is great for students interested in filming, editing, and anchoring school events.

If you are interested in joining The Lake Show contact:

Variety Night

As part of CHS tradition, with the support of teacher advisors, each class competes in a student written and produced skit-style competition.

If you are interested in joining Variety Night contact:

We Matter Here

We Matter Here is Colchester High School’s Mental Health Awareness Club. Our goals are to destigmatize mental health, make people feel less alone, and create a culture where mental health is taken seriously and accommodated for. We do this by providing resources and education as well as proactively working to build meaningful community, through regular meetings, sponsoring events, and school-wide wellness initiatives.

Students interested in joining We Matter Here should contact