Athletic Health Care Team (AHCT)
Jorie Farnsworth, Head Athletic Trainer
As part of the Athletic Health Care Team (AHCT) the Certified Athletic Trainer will collaborate with the Health Office, Athletic Director and our Assistant Principal to help create a safe environment for all of our athletic teams. Policies and procedures involving health, safety and wellness will be developed and reviewed yearly as a group. The role of the Athletic Trainer will also include sport injury documentation, evaluation, treatment, coordinating referrals and outlining the return to play criteria with student athlete, parents and coaches.
Moriah McCullagh, District Nursing Supervisor and School Nurse Colchester High School
As part of the Athletic Health Care Team, the school nurse is tasked with providing a team approach to meeting the health needs of our students through communication and coordination with the athletic department. This involves providing student athletes education around sports related injuries and how to avoid them. The school nurse also provides advocacy for the prevention of concussions by advocating for safe environments; education of students, parents and staff on concussions; and tracking and making academic accommodations for students with concussions.
Josie Lang, Building Nurse Colchester High School
As part of the school health team, the building nurse confirms that all student athletes are playing with a current physical on file. If their well-child exam is not up to date, this information is relayed to the Athletic Director, Athletic Trainer and the coach. The building nurse also provides the necessary post-injury care prescribed by the student’s health care provider to ensure students full access to their education.
Chad DeMagistris, Assistant Principal, Colchester High School
As part of the Athletic Health Care Team (AHCT), the assistant principal would oversee the policies, practices and procedures that enhance the health, safety and wellness of the school community. The assistant principal would act as a representative of the school’s administration on this team. This team would serve as another interested and active party in promoting the atmosphere and climate recommended by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association “Safe Sports School” designation.