
Preschool registration for School Year 25-26 will open the first week of March 2025

The Colchester School District offers several options for prekindergarten children who reside in Colchester, Vermont. Information about the various programs can be found by clicking the buttons below. All prekindergarten students accessing ACT 166 funds through a community partner or enrolling in the Early Education Program at Malletts Bay School, must have their registration forms approved before the start of the school year.

  • If this is the first time registering your child with the Colchester School District (meaning they’ve never received PreK ACT166 funds before), click on the green Pre-Registration Form button to request access to the enrollment forms. Once approved by a registrar, you will be prompted by email to create an account and fill out the enrollment forms.

  • If you’ve registered your child with the district before to receive PreK ACT166 funds, your child has already been pre-registered in our system. In March, the CSD Technology Department and Communications Office sent emails to the family of students active in our system. The emails included your child’s unique access ID and password and instructions for creating an account.

Please verify that your child has been accepted into one of the Colchester School District's Community Partner Programs (listed below) before continuing with the registration process.

Contact Us

Cathy Ward
Central Office
Data Coordinator

Phone: 802.264.5985

For more information about Act 166/Universal Prekindergarten visit the Vermont Agency of Education’s website:

Colchester School District Community Partner Programs

Prior to registering, please verify that you have received a Letter of Intent from the Early Education Program at Malletts Bay School confirming your child's acceptance into the program.


Contact Us

Jeanne Racicot-Brigante
Malletts Bay School
Building Secretary

Phone: 802.264.5902

Colchester Early Education Program creates an environment where children learn along with their teachers in a kind and respectful way. We value each person as an individual with distinct abilities and talents. We offer a hands-on, experiential learning environment where children are encouraged to ask questions and test theories in order to expand their knowledge. We value the home-school connection and consider families and community members an integral part of our learning community.

The Early Education Program at Malletts Bay School is a half day program with both morning and afternoon sessions. It is also a qualified Act 166 Prekindergarten Program which provides tuition funding to parents in exchange for enrolling their children in a program which provides prekindergarten curriculum.

Learn more by visiting Colchester’s Early Education website: