Adult Code of Conduct


CSD acknowledges that we are lucky to be partners with involved, committed and responsible families. In order to maintain an orderly, respectful and secure educational environment for the students and staff of Colchester School District, it is essential that all adults are aware of their responsibilities and adhere to the expected code of conduct as outlined. The health and welfare of all members of our school community is important, therefore this code of conduct applies to all adults including parents, guardians, step-parents, grandparents, extended family, advocates and any others involved in activities or communications related to Colchester Schools.


We expect parents/guardians visitors and volunteers to have a fundamental understanding and commitment to the following general propositions:

  • Recognize that the education of children is a joint responsibility of the parents/guardians and the school community.
  • All family members and visitors, as well as all members of the school community, deserve to be treated with respect, and school employees are entitled to a safe work environment. Exhibit a good example for students in their conduct, language and behavior while on campus or at school sponsored activities.
  • All communication with staff, teachers and administrators should be collaborative and based on trust and respect.
  • Family members have the right to raise issues and concerns related to the education of their child or school matters. Concerns and complaints should be resolved at the lowest level possible within the structure of the district. Individuals are encouraged to first bring the concern to the attention of the individual employee. If the concern or complaint is not satisfactorily resolved with the individual employee, it should be brought to the attention of the employee's immediate supervisor. If there is no resolution then the family should speak with the building principal directly before bringing the concern to a central office administrator.
  • In times of conflict please schedule a time to discuss your concerns to ensure all parties are heard and for agreeable solutions to be reached. When concerns about school arise in non-emergency situations we encourage families to take some time before contacting the school. Do not confront school employees as these interactions can be emotional for all parties involved and do not promote resolution.
  • Be aware that your actions on social media may have serious consequences. Adults should consider the impact of social media comments on the greater community and the model being set for children prior to posting on social media. Social Media postings and commentary should remain professional and follow the guidelines set forth in the district's Acceptable and Responsible Computer, Network, and Internet Use policy.
  • Understand that the priority for school staff is the welfare and education of all students in the school. Responses to family emails or telephones calls may not happen instantaneously. Responses are not required outside normal working hours or during school holidays.


In order to provide a peaceful, safe and welcoming school environment, the District prohibits the following behaviors by parents/guardians and visitors. Employees who are concerned about an adult's behavior shall report it to a building level administrator.

  • Using profane, insulting, harassing, aggressive or otherwise offensive language or displaying temper.
  • Disruptive behavior that interferes or threatens to interfere with District operations, including the effective operation of a classroom, an employee’s office or duty station, a campus lobby, or school grounds, including sporting events, parking lots and car-pickup.
  • The use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs on school grounds. Being under the influence of alcohol or other drugs while on school grounds and when attending school sponsored events.
  • Threatening to do bodily harm to a District employee, visitor, fellow parent/guardian or student.
  • Threatening to damage the property of a District employee, visitor, fellow parent/guardian or student.
  • Intimidate, harass or discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
  • Approaching someone else’s child in order to discuss or chastise them. (Such an approach to a child may be seen to be an assault on that child and may have legal consequences).


  • Adults who have communicated (verbal or written) in a threatening or harassing manner with a school employee may have their access to school employees restricted and asked to communicate with an assigned point person only.
  • Adults who are not able to meet our expectations for conduct will be asked to leave the premises immediately, and to schedule a time to meet with school administration when they are able to conduct themselves in a safe and professional manner.
  • The school administration, and/or the Superintendent reserves the right to deny future access to the school and school activities if the Code of Conduct is violated.

We trust that all adults within our communities will help our school in implementing the code of conduct, and we thank you for your support of our school and work environment.

Last Updated: July 2023